Don’t “Fall” Back on Your Job Search

Did you know September and October is cyclically a hot job market?

At Transition Solutions, we have been helping companies and individuals with workforce changes for 30 years.

The fall job market begins the return of many from the busy hustle and bustle of the summer season. In addition to the family vacations, it is often the time when companies and organizations begin their strategic and financial planning for their next fiscal year. Recruiting and hiring slows considerably. The weeks after Labor Day springs back open those activities and the job market reignites.

What you should be doing now:

  • Make certain your resume and LinkedIn profiles maximize your value

Focus on your strengths, accomplishments, and differentiators. *Your LinkedIn profile should be a compliment to, not a copy/paste of, your resume.

  • Network, Network, Network

More than 75% of all jobs are obtained through some form of networking. Stay in touch with your contacts!   LinkedIn is a great start to your networking… but it isn’t the finish line. Your job search will be most successful when you can be a real person.  Writing, connecting, talking and finally meeting (virtually or otherwise).  Each step brings you closer and gets you better results.

  • Follow up!   

No one cares as much about your job search as you do. We often hear of lost opportunities simply because a candidate didn’t follow up on an interview, meeting or contact provided. 

  • For interviews, clarify the timeline for decisions and let them know that, if you haven’t heard by then, you will reach out.
  • For meetings, always identify a follow up date for all action items.
  • Finally, when someone provides you with contacts – contact them! Then, follow up with the person kind enough to share their network

The fall job market offers great opportunity. Develop an action plan, stay active and stay positive. Care about your search and stay diligent and great results will follow.

At Transition Solutions, we have been helping companies and individuals with workforce changes for thirty-five years. Our strong reputation for consistently delivering exceptional service at value sets us apart.

If you would like more information on our services please check out our website at or you can contact us directly at 888-424-0003 or email us at

Be sure to follow our LinkedIn company page where we share advice for companies and individuals going through workforce changes at:!