How Outplacement Services Helps with Job Searching

Are you considering offering outplacement services and not sure about how it can help your impacted employees with their job search?

At Transition Solutions, we have been helping companies and individuals with workforce changes for 30 years.

Transitioning employees is never an easy proposition. Whether an economic downturn, business closing, a restructure, merger or acquisition, technological advancements or an individual employee event, these are all common occurrences that may prompt you to consider layoffs.

Balancing the business need, employee experience and your brand reputation is a critical consideration in today’s business landscape.

Per Eric Cormier, Manager, HR Services Boston for Insperity, “Offering outplacement services can take some of the sting out of the layoff process for both parties. For the employee, it helps make the transition more positive by shifting the focus to future opportunities. Meanwhile, as a business owner, knowing you’ve done your part to help an employee successfully move on may help ease your conscience as well.”

What is outplacement?

Outplacement support helps give employees options and strategies to move forward through a difficult phase, hopefully into new opportunities.

What does an outplacement company do?

At Transition Solutions we help human resource professionals and companies with the following components:

  • Separation consulting, planning and support
  • Customized support addressing your needs
  • Notification training for managers
  • Personalized approach / dedicated consultants
  • Easy HR administration
  • Cutting-edge technology
  • National and global reach through over 130 partners

And for impacted employees we offer:

  • Dedicated career consultant with one-on-one coaching
  • Professional resume’, cover letter and LinkedIn profile assistance
  • Helpful webinars and resources
  • Interview and negotiation skills
  • Career counseling and job search training
  • Online career resource tool available 24/7 to assist with job search efforts

Outplacement services assists impacted employees in their job search by helping them typically land faster, experience higher salary and/or improved flexibility in their next position. 

Human Resources Director shared that outplacement is one of the most important severance benefits for both employees and employers. Outplacement programs can help improve retention and productivity of remaining employees, can reduce the risk of legal action by laid-off employees, protects the company’s brand, and more.

Learn more about our programs and download our FREE employee separation guide to ensure a smooth transition at our website at:

At Transition Solutions, we have been helping companies and individuals with workforce changes for thirty years. Our strong reputation for consistently delivering exceptional service at value sets us apart.

If you would like more information on our services please check out our website at or you can contact us directly at 888-424-0003 or email us at

Be sure to follow our LinkedIn company page where we share advice for companies and individuals going through workforce changes at:!